Ambassadors in Uganda
Lillian Nanteza
Lillian Nanteza is from Uganda. She is a qualified accountant with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance. She has 5 years of experience in the field of finance and Accounting and 4 years experience in advocating for consumer rights and responsibilities. She is the co-founder of the National Youth Empowerment Network (NYEN) with a position of the Finance Director. She is the treasurer of Fortune Saving Club for two years. She is part of the Bank of Uganda Financial Literacy Youth Working group which drafted the Financial Literacy Strategy for Uganda 2013. She was part of the “A big Project” on the resource mobilization team, a project coordinated in the USA. She is part of the “Discovering Young Leaders Programme” a Commonwealth Youth Learning Platform. She has passion to help those in need and see others live a better life. She believes that the youths are a key agent of present and future development, potential social capital and human force for the country. “We have the potential of shaping our own future and that of our societies.”