Registration is now open for both Montreal 2013 and the pre-congress programme!
For on-line registration use this link .
Please use this alternative link if you are from the following countries:
Balkans, Belarus, Benin, Burma (aka/formerly Myanmar), Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Cuba, Ghana, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, New Caledonia, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Togo, Zambia, Zimbabwe
1. Pre-Congress Programme
The fee for the programme offered by Montreal host institutions will be $C175.00. This fee will cover participation, materials, lunches and refreshments and a transit card for transport between institutions/events.
2. Montreal 2013
The registration fee will cover:
- A reception on the evening of October 7th
- Three days of programme (October 8, 9, 10)
- Lunches and morning and afternoon refreshments (October 8, 9, 10)
- Materials
- Translation facilities into major languages
Your registration fee will also help us to support participation by people from developing and poorer countries.
Charges for individuals are:
- Standard: $C895.00
- EAN members and presenters: $C765.00
- Students: (full-time, currently enrolled) $C500
Group Bookings
Special rates for large groups (10+) may be negotiated. Contact us using the form below.
Special Cases
In special cases a discounted registration fee may be negotiated. Contact us using the form below. You must provide us with information to support your case. Note that we cannot reply to all requests due to the large number. If your application is successful we will contact you and provide you with a discount code to use when registering. Note also that we cannot provide full fee waivers or financial support for travel through this process.