Ambassadors in Indonesia
Dicky Maharditya
Dicky was born in Semarang on May 16th 1992, but now he lives in Jakarta. To catch his dream to be an ambassador, in 2010 he continued his study at Political Science University of Indonesia (UI).
When he was in senior high school, he won some English debate competitions. Active in several organizations and committees is his passion, that's why he ever served in various positions like Vice President of OSIS, President of MPK, member of Academic Department of FISIP UI Student Executive Body 2012, member of ISAFIS (Indonesia Student Association for International Studies) since 2010 until now, member of KTF (Faculty Traditional Dance Community) UI, Project Officer at some events, and also volunteer as well. His cheerful and curiosity make him feel no hesitate to try something new. He will always struggle to get something he wants the most. Last time he went to Norway to participate an International Student Festival in Social Movement Workshop. As mentioned above, he is now active in ISAFIS, a think-tank organization which moves in a global issues, holding a Jakarta Model United Nation as an Under Secretary General-Organization. Also observing for a nowdays national policy about higher education.