Investing in the World Congress on Access to Post-Secondary Education
An investment in the World Congress is an investment in a new global access movement. Your support allows the European Access Network and its partners to convene like networks, groups and individuals from around the world who are working to open up access to post-secondary education for groups disadvantaged by poverty, birth and other economic and social circumstances. You will be helping to bring new voices to the table and building innovative partnerships to close the gaps in post-secondary participation and success worldwide. The World Congress is being planned as a three-part series over the 2013-2017 period, with events and projects in intervening years. The first Congress will take place in Montreal in October 2013.
We urge you to join us as we build an innovative new platform for collaborative work on broadening access to post-secondary education around the world.
World Congress Series (2013-2015-2017)
Sustaining Partner $250,000
Become a key ally in this access effort, helping us to build a solid foundation for the ongoing work of the Congress Series and contributing to giving shape to a new global access movement. You will be contributing to launching and sustaining communities of practice to build on the momentum of the first Congress, funding experimental projects between Congresses and enabling us to build and sustain a new social innovation platform that will connect and support collaboration among individuals and organizations working to broaden access around the world.
Sustaining partners will receive top tier recognition on all Congress stages (non-competing) and at the Congress opening receptions, on the website and all Congress materials and have naming opportunities related to the creation of the innovation fund and innovation platform. They will also be offered a place on the Congress' series Advisory Committee.
1st World Congress (Montreal, October 2013)
Platinum $100,000
Gold $75,000
Silver $25,000
Overall support of the 1st Congress at one of three levels of investment will help to ensure that participants in Montreal come from all parts of the world (funding to ensure balanced representation and student voice, especially for disadvantaged and developing world participants) and contribute to attracting high-quality keynotes and speakers. Please contact us to discuss benefits for each level in more detail.
Congress Strand Sponsorships
Congress Strand Sponsorships - $50,000 for one/ 7 offerings
Strands are specifically developed to provide attendees with the latest information on issues ranging from education for economic and social development to teaching and learning for success and inclusion. They will share policies and practice models and work towards the launch of communities of practice to continue the work begun at the 1st World Congress. Panel speakers from a range of countries will provide high-level context for each strand.
This opportunity offers your company or organization alignment to issues of interest/business focus. Strand sponsors will be recognized on the Panel Plenary stage and in signage at the strand breakout rooms. Strand sponsors will be recognized in the strand section of the Congress program and website. Strand sponsorship is non-competing withing the strand sponsorship category.
Read descriptions of the strands here.
Receptions and Special Events
Receptions and events offer visibility in front of Congress participants from around the world, company recognition as a leader in promoting access to post-secondary education and an opportunity to share your initiatives and ideas with members of the global access movement. Congress-wide receptions are $30,000 and niche receptions (by invitation) may be organised starting at $15,000. Sponsorship includes on-site signage and other recognition opportunities at the reception and the opportunity to address assembled participants.
Other Branding Opportunities
USB Keys - $20,000
Lanyards - $10,000
USB keys and lanyards have a life at the Congress and beyond. Use this opportunity to ensure long-lasting visibility.