Montreal 2013 has five major objectives:

  • To identify and link the networks, actors and stakeholders working globally on access issues and facilitate a new global access movement with a series of specific communities of practice.
  • To launch experimental work and build new connections, partnerships and funding mechanisms to address challenges of access to post-secondary education.
  • To inform key political leaders about the latest thinking and practices from around the world on how to significantly improve access to, and success in, post-secondary education in the interests of economic progress, social stability, community and individual well-being.
  • To ensure that the voice of students internationally takes a prominent place in discussions, declarations and actions stemming from the inaugural Congress.
  • To use the Canadian experience as a microcosm to examine access challenges and comparative international approaches including issues related to urban strategies, rural and remote education delivery, diversity and integration and closing education gaps for Aboriginal peoples.


The EAN Secretariat, European Access Network
Lawrence Building, University of Roehampton, Roehampton Lane, London SW15 5PJ, United Kingdom
Email: [email protected] ,Tel: +44 (0) 20 8392 3857, Fax: +44 (0) 20 8392 3148