to discover the wrong or inaccuracy is the actual frustration! The quicker you realize youre caught up in such a situation, dont make it worse, go back to the facts and set yourself back on course! been hearing alot too. God Bless!! Police were called, but did not take aggressive action in the face of the invasion. GOD PLEASE BLESS OUR PEOPLE WITH EYES TO SEE, EARS TO HEAR, HEARTS AND MINDS THAT DISCERN BETWEEN TRUTH AND ERROR. We should be the first to call out acts that cross lines that should not be crossed, even when our ideas and strategies differ, and especially when they include physical violence.. All the other agendas are mute. Hawaiians have usually stood aside, not supporting but not publicly disclaiming actions by the various pretenders to the throne. And this group of Americans taught kanala maoli the written form as they (missionaries) translated into what they heard. Kalani and Kala, one very simple question for both of you. In other words, I was told that a recent group that was accepted was the Jehovahs Witness Divinity Group. 99% of all hoalies (non indigenous caucasians, asians, etc) have ZERO affiliation with the overthrow of Hawaii by the US. So go take your advil, Ill Stick to my awa and pakalolo! Mahalo HK for the availability of this blog, the comments, the responses and ALL of us continuing research due diligence. if he was in control? Let me give a possible alternative view. might be the right thing to do It is the right thing to do. We have possession of our homeland to any person, institution or governing body. Misinformation is prevalent in our society today and decisions by persons whether here or abroad should be based upon accurate information that can be falsified, especially in light of the profound legal ramifications that stems from an illegal and prolonged occupation. Gonzalves Atooi is, of course, just one of perhaps a dozen similar groups with self-appointed but charismatic leaders claiming in recent years to represent the long-gone Kingdom of Hawaii, which in practical terms disappeared with the overthrow of the monarchy in 1893. The time taken in order While several contenders claim rights to the crown, Dayne Aipoalaniof The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooihas taken the movement to regain his peoples' rights and land in Hawaii to a whole new level. Your Devision, their Conquest. Take a look at the link below: 1915(e)(2) Enough of this weak-knee nonsense. Most of us at one time or another has become associated with one or more of the sovereignty groups. Hawaiians will be subject to the Law just like you and everyone else. This is pretty atypical. The Kealohas are facing federal, not state prosecution. Can raised crosswalks really cost so much. And heres an excerpt from a statement by the Board of Directors of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. If he is a placement of the U.S. to confuse and divide our people then just maybe he is guilty of War Crimes. Do take caution Braddahs & Sistahs. the United States of America and the Kingdoms people that are Where the are lands that can be governed, owned or claimed by this kingdom is. Mahalo. Thank you Anu for providing a place for all of us to share our manao and get information for greater clarity. Maybe he uses it to hypnotize the How can all these GROUPS, Kau inoa, Kanaioluwalu, Alii Aipoalani and the many self-appointed Kings and Queens justify their existence today without first having a valid and grounded connection to our kingdoms history because if they had it right they would know the Kuhio Charter is a wash based upon La Kuokoa and that the entities formed under the U.S., Kau inoa and Kanaioluwalu is based off an entity that has no jurisdiction in Hawaiian Kingdom territory! Share to Tumblr. Share to Twitter. This independent island nation will be called the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi. Lewis, in his statement, also called upon law enforcement officials to hold the men accountable. This occupying government has been concealing & covering him up for decades. Dismissal of the Complaint Under the In Forma Pauperis Statute - 28 U.S.C. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Government and media are very foolish to extend any deference whatsoever to these asinine backwoods potentates, His Highness-in-his-own-mind Sai, or any other self-proclaimed royalty or poobah-sans-portfolio, especially when they defraud, threaten, or assault people. Then I met Dr Sai and I saw and know that he only shared with us the facts as they now stand and have been standing for the last 121 years. They are going after those who are not sure and dont know. A second-day story by Star-Advertiser writer Timothy Hurley did a much better job characterizing the group. For this copy-right-now-space/copy-claim of the Crown of the Mauri Nation website/documents/authority/performance is with the perpetuity by the creators, authors, claimants, Crown of the Mauri Nation Executive Royal Principals. God damn, stop being a Daneand a crab to our people and become aware. sovereignty as a people or over the national lands to the United states it is a very Hawaiian thing. The whole idea of this Sham of a Sovereign speaking for us the Poe of The Kingdom of Hawaii on the launch of the currency and speaking from the podium of the United Nations as IF UN endorses his agenda. Knowing these facts would if suffice to say that by 1840 Hawaiians understood the laws and politics in their country? Then fight for it with a passion! 779 Followers, 86 Following, 187 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from POLYNESIAN KINGDOM OF ATOOI (@atooi_nation) atooi_nation. 3,084 following. We are left to wonder if the events of last week had occurred at any other government agency, would the response by authorities have been the same.. You heard him say that a family member of his was directly involved with the Kuhio Charter (Red flag #2). Im grateful that at the helm is Ke Akua and at the wheel is Keanu, and the wonderful faithful crew. After studying our history, I think that we need to show a tremendous amount of compassion towards ALL of our kanaka maoli brothers and sisters. HISTORY TIMELINE Before 1840s: The Polynesian Kingdom of Hawaii is the ancestrial name of the current state of Hawaii. There are many issues like this that seem extremely complex in reality, and ripe with all it their greed, unfairness, manipulation, corruption, etc. Captain Cook only stumbled upon the Hawaiian Islands 235 years ago, go figure! dropping a great number of consonants, and in discarding entirely the nasal ng, the g, and k.. It helps to research other dialects of Olelo Maoli, to better understand the Hawaiian. We come in all walks of life, i.e. If they say the name was Abalooey, then youll call it Abalooey and stfu. I have been reading a lot about Hawaii from the period of contact through the occupation as it is pretty amazing stuff. ? Do you know of any questions???. Typo my bad; should be Kanaka instead of Kanala. Just maybe!! With a modern sovereign twist. Very good questions! Nonsense. Do you know where i can find a copy of the Annexation between the U S and the H K?? The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi is led by Dayne Aleka Gonsalves of Kekaha, also known as Alii Nui (king) Aleka Aipoalani. Furthermore, arguing about who conquered what is laughable, as ancient Hawaii was a place of near constant war and conquering. Yah-mon, this fella Atooi you best let him pass like aah good or even aah bad bowel movement, either way; get this soldier-mon out of your system he is bad mojo mon! Huh ha!! It wouldnt surprise me if they sent Hawaiians to Molokini or Koolau. Look at Kauai where these folks live. never saw us there in person our spirits were definately there with you!! Enlarge Polynesian Triangle Remember there were already Russians here, French, Chinese, etc The Hawaiians were steering toward joining Britain for security (Hence the flag) or the US. OHA). This independent island nation will be called the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi. our nation of people!! I dont think theyll be able to use that route to avoid facing the music, anymore than Bumpy Kanahele was able to avoid going to federal prison for harboring a fugitive. If someone skin is lighter than yours, you cannot make assumptions about who they are or who their ancestors were. Implies occupation over a nation of people not limited to race. The seal that they use is actually the coat of arms for the Hawaiian Kingdom which is a constitutional monarchy. Dont talk about it in any negative way or about anyone involved, for you will be held responsible for what you say as well. PKOA group membership is strictly an agreement with their own following with their own database and with any apparatus they utilize. This is based on the premise that something stolen never becomes the property of the thief, even if it appears to be in their possession. Or as my Maori 4th cousins would say, noho i rotou i tou rohe. Put away u guyzes ule and rulahs and wake up!! Mahalo for your info. The only kala is: ala ala kala! Would they nullify all current land ownership or just ownership by some people? Along with Atooi, they just a name making claims to people that have no claims based on false genealogy and that this person was adopted to the Aipolani family.. 639 Followers, 3,084 Following, 151 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi/HK (@pkoahk) pkoahk. Atooi was the ancient name for, Hawaii, the head [po'o] of the Polynesian Triangle. Hawaiians were literate in two languages versus Americans did only one language. Several days after the Kingdom of Atooi raid on OHA, KITV turned to someone they presented as a expert to comment on the case. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. You cant be a federal government and a monarchy at the same timeif anything that shows its an indication of ignorance, a need to be educated. Just like Hawaiians, everyone else will learn to survive. Theyre mutually exclusive. the greatest resemblance to each other are the Hawaiian, the Marquesan, and that of New Zealand; the Tahitian comes next, and differs chiefly from them in abridging the words, and Apologies. annual meeting at the use their webcast purporting U.N. is aware of his podium, A ole. Dayne Puni Gonsalves , his followers and his minions are Going Down, The He wants to restore Crown Lands to the monarchy under one king: himself. I think youre over simplifying things. International law expert Keanu Sai says there are gaps in Atoois claims. unwary; come to me, let me ID you so you can be my Irish and Russians are both people who dont put with anyones entitled BS, and Ireland is one the strongest fighters world wide for native equality and people who have had their land occupied and stolen, the way England has done to Ireland. That is not true. The purpose for this posting was in no way intended to ridicule but rather to clarify misinformation and to provide historical context. nationals as Waihee said, but to all the Lahui! I think that you stated it very well, but I think you should extend your compassion to more than just Kanaka Maoli. They all have to have an established boundary that is in their name. Keanu & uncle Donald didnt send me on a wild nene chase and if it were not for aunty Linda Lewis / Meheula (daughter of George Baines Meheula) telling me go to Kauai Id still be wandering searching on. Kanaka have been displaced in droves, to the deserts of Las Vegas. Oh, not any ferry, but a Superferry right here in Hawaii! : the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. illegally imposed upon the Kingdom of Atooi. An Executive Order to allow unimpeded access to our ancestral lands and fisheries on and around the Islands of the Northwestern Islands (the chain of Pacific Islands from Nihoa to Kure) which will remain the property of the United States. You did not say most or some, but Hawaiians. more. Kalani, where you at brah? Clearly I dont have any direct evidence. Its wonderful to see more people joining in the conversation re: the health and strength of the people of the Hawaiian Kingdom and those Nations who are claiming the right to the Kingdom. News reports did not indicate whether or not Gonzalves was part of the occupying group. What makes it more remarkable is that Hawaiians could not only read and write the English language they also read and write in Hawaiian. What KITV failed to put on the record is that Sai is also the self-appointed leader who claims the right to speak for the Hawaiian Kingdom. I am all for Hawaii being Sovereign, and I think it is possible. Asked him about the validity of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the Kuhio Charter, he couldnt explain it. This, of course, does not pass the laugh test or legal muster, but such nonsense is widely believed. I must say I like some of the others better, but it wont be up to me. Ahh! exchange ideas in the forums and caucuses with other NGO groups held at the U.N. annually. To bad I didnt do my research before getting the ID and giving them $25. Should Hawaii go back to being a Kingdom? Hawaiis future does not lie in archaic and bumbling demagoguery. (money) They cross the line! Andres Aquino 604 subscribers Andres Aquino chats with Ali'i Nuii Aleka Dayne Aipoalani of The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi at the "Sustainable Development Goals" conference presented by Ethics in. The Union Jack on the Hawaiian flag represents the long standing friendly relationship with Britain. It's a direct insult to the Hawaiian Kingdom nation! *How can you help take the splinter out of your brothers eye when you have a log in your own?. These are delusional thugs, and they are very obviously dangerous. The group calling itself the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi called a news conference near Papeete, saying it is led by its self-styled king Aleka Aipoalani. l like watt I see and hear its all good I learn every day go by Aloha to you all of you for teach all of us online Aloha. The Launching of PKOA Currency video at the U.N. is a perfect example of Dayne misrepresenting and abusing his NGO civil society status to make it seem like the U.N.endorses his actions.A ole. have it or they dont. The status which PKOA holds in the U.N. was not accepted by formal ceremony nor an Mahalo. So we puttin this clown on check. The OHA interlopers should have been unceremoniously face-planted on the spot, immediately frog-marched to the hoosegow, and charged with everything for which there was probable cause, including impersonating law enforcement officers, felony assault, kidnapping, criminal conspiracy, trespassing, and accessory to and aiding and abbetting all of the above. learning about the actual history of Hawaii, screw Youll do nothing, because you arent that Hawaiian. be one so the U.S. can continue its HEWA against This ancient nation was a part of The Royal Union of The Pacific Nations located in the Polynesian Triangle. His application names his Organizational Structure as a Polynesian Monarchy as PKOA/the Hawaiian Kingdom and naming Te Moana Nui A Kiva as an affiliate network under the Indigenous Peoples Organizations. Aloha Matt, This is not a racial issue it is a legal issue and the law will dictate what happens. See the truth for yourselves! Brother Keanu. It's been 3-1/2 years since a dozen men wearing red shirts identifying themselves as federal marshals from the Kauai group known as the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi, stormed into the main office of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, assaulted at least two OHA employees and threatened others, and announced they were there to seize the agency's assets This inequity is questionable at best, said Lewis. Like Warren Buffett once stated If you have to look around to see who the joke was played upon, its probably you!) I suspect no for a variety of legal and practical reasons. All land title deeds, fee & lease were given out less than allodial. It may look like a duck, walk like duck but it is a chicken. It is unjust what the U.S. did and continues to do. This should be very enlightening for everyone to know. think hell be overwhelmed with Christmas cards from his I know, it doesn't make sense! The acceptance of these legal documents in the U.N. by Keanu Sai calls for your actions to stop because the act of treason by you and your followers will happen, Its not a matter of if, it is a matter of when. I just want to say that it was the English (or British as you state) who heard it first and placed in on their maps. God bless. I like to visit his Majesty Burger King because he lets me have it my way! Kanala Maoli the written form as they ( missionaries ) translated into what they heard this of. Legal issue and the Kuhio Charter, he couldnt explain it accepted by formal ceremony an... The helm is Ke Akua and at the link below: 1915 ( e ) ( )... 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