This is regardless of how long you have worked for your employer. The hr lady just wrote to payroll that I want it to be spread! Where an employee is on unpaid sick leave or on sick leave attracting half pay during the whole or part of the period used for calculating average weekly earnings, average weekly earnings for the period of sick absence shall be calculated on the basis of notional full sick pay. You can read about Shared Parental Leave (ShPL) here. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). I dont think your Trust will have much say in SMP as this element is reclaimed/paid by the government. This period must include at least one day in the qualifying week. A default end date of 52 weeks after the start of your maternity leave is usually used. I took the full year off and wanted my pay spread over that time so I would've never be without money during my time off. As an employee, if a pay award was implemented whilst you were on maternity leave or during yourAverage Weekly Earnings period (AWE), this should also apply to you. If they advise you that there could be a risk, ask for a letter to show to your employer. Statutory Maternity Leave. If you do not return to NHS employment within 15 months of the beginning of your maternity leave, then you will be liable to repay the whole of your maternity pay (minus the SMP or MA that you have received). These guides will help you answer many of your questions about work. Nevertheless, protection against discriminationbecause of pregnancy continues while you are pregnant. I suppose to work it out spreading the payments, you would take. Salary: 17,000. This is made up of 26 weeks of ordinary maternity leave and 26 weeks of additional maternity leave. 156.66 per week (for 2022/23) or 90% of your average weekly earnings (whichever is less) The next 13 weeks. Maternity Leave can start after the 11th week before the due date or on the date of birth is the baby is . 0. Read articles, interviews and comment from the BMA's award-winning magazine. your health, you might like to rest leading up to the birth, rather than work. Most occupational maternity pay schemes start with a relatively high level of pay that steps down at various points. If you have your baby early, your maternity leave will start the day after. 8. ACAS has produced guidance for employers looking to accommodate breastfeeding in the workplace; this should help you discuss any concerns you have with your employer. Your employer may have a carer's leave' policy that entitles you to a limited amount of paid time off a year to deal with emergency situations. All employers are required by law to assess risks to the health and safety of their employees whilst at work. If a pregnancy test is taken two weeks after implantation and if the test is negative, the protected period extends for two more weeks. You must come to an arrangement with your employer as to when you take your accrued annual leave. Thng k truy cp. In my last pregnancy I contacted hr and they sent me a pay break down with actual figures before tax for the options available to me so I could make a better informed decision. Check your local policies as some employers may give paid leave for fertility treatment. Do you have? Always read your employer's policies, check with your Human Resources (HR) department , see our section on when to start your maternity leave and section 15 of the NHS handbook. Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) So: 8 weeks full pay (approx 2800) 18 weeks half pay plus smp at 140.98 pw (3150 + 2537) 13 weeks smp (1832) You can't spread out the smp from what I understand so the first few weeks you get a different amount. You can change your mind down the line. In instances where taking maternity leave prevents doctors from rotating into a new post which would have been paid according to a higher nodal point, this planned move to a higher nodal pay point should be reflected within their maternity leave pay if they achieved a successful ARCP outcome before or after commencing their leave. We don't as a general policy investigate the solvency of companies mentioned (how likely they are to go bust), but there is a risk any company can struggle and it's rarely made public until it's too late (see the. There is no legal right for employees to take time off work for fertility treatment. 'Physiotherapy staff are at the forefront of much of the important transformation taking place in the NHS in Scotland and deserve to be rewarded fairly for their contribution. If you are undecided whether to leave your employer, keep your options open and when you have made a decision, ensure you fulfil the notice requirements. My HR dept told me that I could only spread the equal monthly payments over the first 6 months, then once it went down to only SMP after 26weeks I had to just take that each month. If, as a result of your pregnancy or maternity leave, your fixed term contract is ended early, not renewed or not extended pleasecontact us. The first 6 weeks - paid at 90% of your average weekly earnings before tax. Check your employers leave policies for any specific provision for fertility treatment. I work for the nhs too xxx, I spread my last pregnancy out over 10 months first two payments were less because stat mat pay was paid 6 or 8 weeks after start of maternity leave. The online maternity calculator was pretty accurate to be fair! You have the right to return to the same job on the same terms and conditions when returning from Ordinary Maternity Leave (OML) (the first 26 weeks of leave). If you are given the option to spread your maternity pay, probably you will be financially better off by doing so (unless you qualify forUniversal Credit), because deductions from pay (e.g. The fact that you are pregnant should not be taken into account when determining who gets the job. For example, if your child falls ill you may take off time to deal with their initial needs such as taking them to the doctor and arranging for their care. You cannot receive Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) or contractual sick pay whilst receiving Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP). 15.34 of NHS terms and conditions for Northern Ireland. I have opted to have it paid over 39 weeks cos I only plan on taking 9 months off, not the full year, and don't want to have any months with no money coming in. Postnatal depression is very common, affecting more than one in ten mothers. Big blob of jelly like discharge- 19 weeks pregnant. If you have more than one job, see our other sections on maternity pay (NHS employed/Non NHS employed). Maybe it's just baby brain and I'm not grasping it correctly. Hi, I'm hoping someone can help. Your SMP will stop if, after your baby is born, you work for an employer who did not employ you at the 15th week before the Expected Week of Childbirth (EWC). Thanks for replying. Some employers offer the option to spread or smooth maternity pay evenly over your entire maternity leave. Hello has anyone already been through nhs maternity and knows how it works? I pay into superann xx, Thanks that's brilliant, I'm a band 5 too so hopefully would be around the same, just don't know if my wage they calculate it from will include the salary sacrifice car or not they are being really difficult! You should receive your normal wages or salary for as long as the suspension lasts. This is also the case should your baby be born alive for only a very short period of time. So lets look at an example for a Made Up Mum: Because we are going to be looking at net pay it is important to look at pay across the whole tax year (April to April). By continuing to use our website, you agree to the use of cookies and similar technologies.Read our cookie policy and how to disable them However Maternity Pay is calculated on weekly basis and paid depending on the number of full weeks there are in a month. The idea is you total up the gross pay you would receive, and then divide it equally over 12 months. There are rules on how and when you should inform your employer about your maternity leave and there is a requirement to return to NHS employment for three months. These would include movements and postures, moving and handling, shocks and vibrations, noise, and radiation. CSD 12 Month. I know and to say mostly females work for them you would think they'd know a bit about maternity leave[emoji23][emoji23] xx, Aww that's lovely that she has so many family members to spend time with as well! Any pregnancy-related sickness absence must be recorded separately to normal sickness absence. id like to spread my maternity pay over 12 months. Always check your contract/workplace policy to clarify what you are entitled to. simple we have assumed that the entire scheme can be smoothed equally (total gross maternity income is divided by the number of days maternity leave and that amount is paid daily during maternity leave). If you are unsure, you should check your contract and maternity policies and talk to yourpayroll department and employer. If you need time off work following the loss of your baby read your employers maternity policy. I have opted to have it paid over 39 weeks cos I only plan on taking 9 months off, not the full year, and don't want to have any months with no money coming in. If your employer asks for proof of your pregnancy, you must provide a copy of your certificate of pregnancy from your doctor or midwife Read more aboutresignations and maternity pay on Maternity Action. NHS maternity pay. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Increasing physical size may affect your ability to wear personal protective clothing. Anyone who does not meet the qualifying conditions for the NHS Scheme may be entitled to statutory leave and pay. If you have 12 months continuous service with one or more NHS employers at the beginning of the 11th week before the expected week of childbirth, and you have notified your intention to return to work with the NHS, you are entitled to: It is possible to agree with your employer to have the occupational pay entitlement paid in a different way, for example, spreading it equally over the maternity leave period rather than having a period of full pay and then a period of half pay. Each pregnancy is different but there are similarities that are likely to affect all pregnant health care workers. Miscarriage or still birth before the end of the 24th week: If your baby is stillborn before the end of the 24th week of pregnancy it is treated as a miscarriage. These are known as Keeping In Touch days (KIT). As a member access a range of e-books and e-journals and use Medline to support your research. I am lucky I only do four half days but am hoping to up it or change job later this year as we could do with a bit extra. Google Chrome. Upon reading a few forums online some people are saying that the first two months your receive less pay and then it goes up after this however I have contacted HR and they advised 'The first 6 weeks has to be paid at full pay and there after can be split into equal payments'. The handbook is silent on any further details but it can generally be assumed that this means that you need to return on a contract of employment. You may be able to come to an arrangement with your employer by taking another form of leave, such as carer's leave, changing your shifts or going unpaid for a period of time. You can get SMP if you have been employed by the same employer for 26 weeks by . Read more about partners rights on Acas and see our shared parental leave section. You can change your mind about your maternity leave start date, but there are notifications requirements you need to meet. You may need RCN support whilst on maternity leave to help you negotiate flexible working requests or if you have work place issues. Based on your recent employment and earnings you may be eligible to claim up to 39 weeks MA through your local Jobcentre Plus. Bank or agency workers who are not entitled to maternity leave are protected for two weeks after the birth. I get that but I don't get how they divide the money up as calculators online gice different figures and the spreadsheet they gave me is 11 years old. 15.41 for Northern Ireland If you are employed by the NHS, please see section 15 of the NHS handbook. Unpaid. If you have told you are being made redundant, gather your contract and any relevant paperwork and contact us for advice. However, many NHS trusts offer the option to "spread" this pay evenly over the 52 weeks maternity leave. If you take sick leave during the advanced stage in your fertility treatment and are dismissed, you may be able to claim direct sex discrimination as once an embryo has been implanted you are legally pregnant, therefore protected under the Equality Act 2010. You may also find ourPregnancy timelinehelpful. A)12 months continuous service with one or more NHS employers at the beginning of the 11th week before your baby is due? You get: 90% of your average weekly earnings (before tax) for the first 6 weeks. week=months??? These rights apply regardless of how long youve worked for your employer. However, care must be taken that you are properly consulted and given correct notice. Obviously, during the annual leave, your also entitled to unsocialable hours payments which meant my last 2months of the year off I received full pay! I take home 1900 a month and with it spread over 9 months I got around 1600 for the first 5 months, then 1300 and then just 800 for last month. 90 per cent of your average weekly earnings for the first six weeks. If you did not/do not get contractual maternity pay, seeMaternity Action for information on Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) and Maternity Allowance (MA). If it were taken into account and you were treated less favourably, it would be viewed as discrimination. Please also see our section on risks assessments. Fixed Term Contracts 16. Read more about SPL and ShPP in Northern Ireland here. Doctors entitled to the NHS maternity scheme are: Maternity pay is based on your average weekly earnings for the eight weeks prior to and including the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth. Here we see that this is not really true ??" Where no vacancy exists, the employer can dismiss you on the grounds of redundancy. Check your contract and maternity policy. I split my pay over 12 months and it worked out that I basically got the exact same amount each month. As a pregnant worker or new mother you have a special status and your employer should be amenable to requests. Provided you have the necessary two years service, you will also be entitled to a statutory redundancy payment. I hated going back after DD but then was glad for the time to focus on something else! So to me that means if I kept it normally I'd earn. You have the right to be notified of the outcome of the risk assessment, so ask for this if it is not given to you. If you are classed as an employee, you have the right to take time off to deal with any unexpected or sudden problem involving a dependent. You can continue working right up until your due date if you want to but check your employer's policies. Read more about time off for antenatal appointments on Acas. Before I left for maternity HR sent me a breakdown of my pay, but I think this was the week I was leaving. That would be my guess in the discrepancy. Please read more about post-natal depression on the NHS. spread over 12 months = 400 a month. Read more about Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) or Maternity Allowance (MA). To qualify for SMP you need to be an employee with 26 weeks continuous service with your employer running into the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth. I will explore this lower tax if your baby is born in October more in a later post, as it will presumably have an impact even if you are not spreading maternity pay. Contractual maternity / paternity / adoption leave and pay. Remember, as an RCN member you can use our counselling service for free, confidential support through challenging times. We use cookies to ensure you receive the best experience on our website. Multiple Births 13. You dont have to repay SMP if you decide not to return to work. If you are pregnant or a new mother, talk to your manager and request a risk assessment. Having worked as NHS and private consultant for over 20 years, he is now regarded by both his p If the treatment is unsuccessful, protection will end two weeks after the end of the pregnancy. We use cookies to ensure you receive the best experience on our website. This is because your contract has ended. Depending on your wage you might not be paid SMP in the first 8 weeks also. Where a pay award or annual increment is implemented during paid maternity leave, the maternity pay due from the date of the pay award or annual increment should be increased accordingly. The baby is due are known as Keeping in Touch days ( KIT ) to nhs maternity pay calculator spread over 9 months that means I. Ma through your local policies as some employers may give paid leave for fertility.! Idea is you total up the gross pay you would receive, and radiation of time ensure., ask for a letter to show to your employer as to when you your! 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nhs maternity pay calculator spread over 9 months