It is believed that every five years on average, an advanced Buddhist monk enters into this enlightened state., Terms of Service, 2023Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community Nikola Tesla's Vibrational Healing Device: Sound & Vibrational Medicine. As days passed the body of Khenpo Ach started shirking. The body was examined by scientists, pathologists, and monks. It is important to note that Padmasambhava is also known as the creator of one of the oldest Tibetan Buddhist sects, the Nyingma school, and there are many memorials dedicated to him throughout Southern Asia. Under certain circumstances, the cosmic evolutionary process of matters gravitational collapse into solidity can turn itself back into a swirling radiating configuration., This means that successful Dzogchen practitioners, like Khenpo Acho, can, in effect, reverse the process of collapse, returning the dense matter of their bodies to a state of pure light the Rainbow Body.. It is believed that every five years on average, an advanced Buddhist monk enters into this enlightened state. There, he became the first Westerner to record an encounter with Tibetan lamas, Buddhist monks hidden away in the Himalayan Mountains. In 1981, he would die at the hospital in Illinois, under the care of an American physician named David Levy. Father Tiso said to have witnessed a rainbow appearing over Khenpo Achs house a few days before his death in September 1998, and that dozens of rainbows appeared afterward. When they come out, and are ready to graduate to this next level of there own evolution, they will often push their hand or foot directly into the stone. There are more than 160,000 documented cases of people allegedly transforming their body into light. He describes it as being timeless, without form, and as able to perceive, experience, reflect and express all forms. Humans are energetic beings and as such, emit auras that have to do with their energy. It is believed that Indigo Children are extra-sensitive, empathetic, and have a tendency to feel out of place. Khenpo Achs was eventually wrapped in a yellow robe which all Gelug Monks wear. The Cosmic Wildcard. I am Uriel and I would like to say, no matter what you think or feel I still love you!I work all over the world that you live in. Instagram: In fact, in Tibet and India alone, there have been over. Further, the teamdocumentedmonks spending freezing nights, when temperatures would drop to zero degrees Fahrenheit, on rocky ledges high in the Himalayans, wearing nothing but cotton shawls. Physical Pains & Their Metaphysical Meanings. In the distance, Jarl could see that a rock wall was being constructed. Wilcock claims Padmasambhava could fly, transform rock into sculpture with his mind, and leave his handprint and footprint in solid stone. . Additionally, they could lower their metabolism during meditation by 64%. They can now easily flip the stone molecules into time-space, and leave an impression behind and some of these handprints and footprints have been photographed and published online. In this process, the physical body dissolves into its natural state, which is that of clear light. It is. The. Facebook Show Page: There are fully 160,000 documented cases of the Rainbow Body in Tibet and India alone. Khenpo Achs was eventually wrapped in a yellow robe which all Gelug Monks wear. Think of modern viral videos of monkswalking over hot coals, running on top ofwater, being stabbed butnot piercedby sharp objects, or meditating inboiling oil. And, if so, what might this mean? , he describes how these monks were able to levitate off the ground. Many people in the spiritual communities have heard about light bodies but has anyone ever truly achieved this? You saw the mutations as a threat to your authority. An important question surrounding the rainbow body is what exactly it has to do with rainbows and what might a rainbow signify. He co-ownsIn5D Clubwith his beautiful wife, Ali. It seems the further science looks into Buddhist monks, the more of these types of secrets get revealed. the extraordinary case of Khenpo Ach and his death in 1998. Since we mentioned the mysterious death of the 12th Karmapa, take a look at this photo of him, during the Black Crown Ceremony in which he also achieved the Rainbow body, appearing almost transparent in the photo. If his body continues to shrink and totally disappears, then this miracle will be categorized asLight Body or Atomless Body. Mike Chen Perhaps science, and popular beliefs around the powers of the human mind, should be able to change when confronted by a Buddhist reality. Check out my food channel! The Buddha himself was said to possess all manner of supernatural powers, including the ability to levitate and to know the thoughts of others, to create doubles of himself, and even to project fire and water from his body. References: As his body dissolved into light, his wrinkles vanishing, he seemed like an eight-year-old child with a beautiful complexion. The first recorded person to achieve such an advanced form of the rainbow body was the 8th-century Buddhist master known as Padmasambhava or Guru Rinpoche. Gregg Prescott, M.S. })(); Buddhist Monks Superpowers: Rainbow Body, Levitation, Immortal Monks. There are over 180,000 documented cases of people transforming into a "light body" after death. Get tickets to the best show on earth!!! Levitation, incidentally, is one offourpsychic powers mentioned within Buddhist scriptures, alongside telepathy, psychokinesis, and the ability to divide the astral body from the physical body. Already, scientists are using the harmonic principles of Buddhist singing bowls to design more efficient solar panels, the ancient teachings of Buddhism at the forefront of the move towards green energy. The rainbow body is supposedly the ultimate state of enlightenment, and people who let go of their earthly attachments are said to have been able to achieve this. Near where he stood, an enormous polished slab of stone laid ominously. After a few minutes, a large group of monks approached the slab carrying musical instruments. Scientific Evidence Proves Buddhists Monks Can Transform Their Physical Bodies Into Pure Newgrange: An 5,000-year-old Cosmic Monument That Predates the Pyramids by 500 years, The Megalithic Stone Heads Of Mount Nemrut And The Gate Of Heaven, Opening Up a Can of Wormholes into Unexplained Phenomena, Shemsu Hor, the Celestial architects of the Great Sphinx, an 800,000 year old monument, These Are Some Of The Most Prominent Pyramids On Earth, Edgar Cayce: The other Nostradamus and the unfulfilled fearsome prophecies, Impossible ancient engineering? me on Patreon! Each element has its own unique holographic frequency that differs it from others, this vibrational frequency allows us to better understand the color, and nature of each element: Earth:This element is responsible for the internal balance of the body and is located in the navel area. In the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, the matter is made of five elements: water, air, fire, earth, space. Khenpo Achs body started changing soon after his last breath. Khenpo Achs body started changing soon after his last breath. (function() {var s=document.createElement("script"); s.async=true; Could these powers really be possible? If science proved some belief of Buddhism wrong, then Buddhism will have to change.. have surfaced, which appeared to show exactly that. I hear Gene Rodenberry drew inspiration from the US Navy space command, Calling The 144,000 - It's Time to Prepare for the Final Battle, Spirituality & Our Connection To The Divine Source. We are only beginning to scratch the surface of what Buddhist teachings may teach us. The extrinsic portion of the brain becomes active when individuals are focused on external tasks, like playing sports or pouring a cup of coffee. Movement ensues when the element of air stirs up wind that oscillates rapidly into fire; from fire emerges water, and from water, the solidity of rock and earth are stabilized. It's also very essential for pure consciousness to channel after death. Buddhist master H.E. In the Mithraic liturgy, it was dubbed as the perfect body. In the Hermetic Corpus, it is referred to as the immortal body, while in the alchemical tradition, the Emerald Tablet calls it the golden body.. Thank you for your support!! into their pure essence as the five colors: blue, green, white, red and golden yellow. In Taoism, it is referred to as the diamond body, while Hindus call it the divine body; in Islamic mysticism, it is called the most sacred body, while ancient alchemical traditions called it the golden body. In fact, in both Jewish and Christian traditions, as well as the ancient texts of Greece and Egypt, there are stories of. As. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They claimed we were dangerous so they destroyed anyone who exhibited the signs of the transfiguration. The physical body is just a small layer with many multidimensional bodies that expresses the soul's existence in all dimensions. })(); See EXCLUSIVE In5D Videos and Articles on Patreon. This Is How 160,000 People Physically Turned Into Light Bodies! Beyond Imagination! While there, he was invited to a sloping meadow surrounded by high cliffs. One after another the next morning he did many such things. According to reports, it takes around 7 days for a body to eventually shrink, dissolve into light and transcend. . In the seminal work about his journey,The Travels of Marco Polo, he describes how these monks were able to levitate off the ground. For those Tibetian Monks who managed to achieve a rainbow body, the journey of the afterlife is all about releasing these five elements above from the body to the whole cosmos. In fact, in Tibet and India alone, there have been over160,000documented cases of people turning their physical bodies into pure light. Monks Transforming Into "Rainbow Body .To Obtain A Rainbow Body On Has To Liberate Their Body Into Light By Only Having Loving Thoughts. EXCITING CONFIRMATION Of Entering The PHOTON BELT! Lama Karma was about 59 tall, but two weeks after he passed, his seated body has now shrunk to about 8, which means his body, including his skeleton, shrank nearly 80 percent.. This is not a normal process one experiences at the moment of. Its located in the pelvic area. In Sufism or Taawwuf which is often defined as Islamic mysticism, the inward dimension of Islam, or the phenomenon of mysticism within Islamit is called the most sacred body and the supra celestial body., Taoists refer to it as the diamond body, and those who have attained it are named the immortals and the cloud walkers., Yogic schools and Tantric teachings call it the divine body, while in Kriya yoga it is referred to as the body of bliss.. (3) The Sixfold System Of The Mahasiddhas; We measured this with a string, which was later measured by a foot rule. Is it possible that Tibetan Buddhist monks possess knowledge which is confirmed by, perhaps even that goes beyond, the fields of neuroscience and quantum mechanics? A transmutation beyond our physical being. Throughout the past 1,200 years of so, there have been approximately 160,000 documented cases of people turning into literal lightbodies. This website is not affiliated with YouTube. Everything is made up of energy, it can't be created or destroyed, but only transforms. Facebook Mike Fan Page: } Privacy Policy | In 1939, a Swedish doctor known only as Dr. Jarlvisitedthe heart of Tibet, in his own way, a 20th century Marco Polo. Eventually, David Steindl-Rast contacted Father Francis Tiso who was known for frequently traveling to Tibet, and asked him to look into this incredible phenomenon. (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = ''; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Did you know that in Tibet and India alone, there are more than 160,000 documented cases of people, who after many years of spiritual preparation, manage to transform their physical body into a body of pure light/Energy?Learn more in this article: and gratitude to Gaia for the video! Perhaps this should be applied in reverse. Pyramids Are Not What You Think They Are: Underground Halls Reptilian Nomoli Statues Left By Fallen Angels, 1.7 Million-Year-Old Bridge Built By The Gods Rama Setu, Enochian The Angelic Language That Unlocks The Secrets of the Universe. , using an MRI machine to track the blood flow to the monks brains while they meditated. Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. After seven days had passed, no body remained. Please deeply rejoice in his devoted practice and realization of Dzogchen. A few minutes later, the stone landed on top of the rock wall at a perfectly precise position and angle. Today. Some Monks even claim that Hambo Lama Itigelov is still alive and is in Nirvana like state. David Steindl-Rast, a Benedictine monk proposed in 2002 a scientific investigation with the Institute of Noetic Sciences to study the so-called Body of Light, or Rainbow Body, saying that; If we can establish as an anthropological fact that what isdescribed in the resurrection of Jesus has not onlyhappened to others but is happening today, it would put ourview of human potential in a completely different light. As his body dissolved into light, his wrinkles vanishing, he seemed like an eight-year-old child with a beautiful complexion. Consider the words ofSwami Ramain his 1978 classic,Living with the Himalayan Masters: I had never before seen a man who could sit still without blinking his eyelids for eight to ten hours, but this adept was very unusual. Tulku Pema Rigtsal, a Nepalese MonkrecountsAchs transfiguration: Recently, on August 29, 1998, at Dome Khamngak in Azi Rong in Tibet, Khenpo Ach, eighty years of age, attained physical dissolution. Ive always been interested in what the Monks do and I think it wouldnt hurt for the rest of us to learn a thing or two from them. (4). The piece is dedicated to the Texas lawyer and philanthropist Glen Rosenbaum. document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s); This is not a normal process one experiences at the moment of death. After he died, there were dozens of rainbows in the sky. Meet the bent stones of Khafres Valley Temple, The Pyramids Of Giza As Seen From Space Photographed By the ESA. Body of Light: Tibetan, ja-lus. Ancient Code is a website founded in 2012 that covers articles and scientific discoveries that help understand humanitys past, present, and future. UPDATED! Others will listen now that you can no longer prevent me from telling them the truth. Our mission is to caption the internet for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community. In order to attain a "Rainbow Body", a person has to be able to liberate their body into light by having only loving thoughts, among other things of course. { Tibetians have their own way of identifying whether a person achieved the rainbow body. . Rumble After death If our minds are clear and calm enough, we may glimpse or meet directly, the primary fire element with a red color, a triangle, or a red Buddha. This is the sense of non-duality, or oneness, that Buddhist practice preaches. He carried with him similar importance to the Dalai Lama, the head of the Gelugpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. The master disappears into a body of light becoming the wisdom body (Yeshe), the term is called 'Ja'-lus or Rainbow body in Tibetan. In 1981, he would die at the hospital in Illinois, under the care of an American physician named David Levy. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It was commissioned by the Houston Symphony, which first performed the work in April 2000 under the conductor Robert Spano. A few years later, in 2011, a New York University professor named Zoran Josipovic took the scientific study of monksfurther, using an MRI machine to track the blood flow to the monks brains while they meditated. It is believed that every five years on average, an advanced Buddhist monk enters into this enlightened state. Theres a unique form of the rainbow body known as, The great transcend into the rainbow body. You can find every episode of The BIGGER Picture with Gregg Prescott onBitchutewhile all of his In5D Radio shows are on theIn5D Youtube channel. Water:This life-making element expresses fluidity, cohesion, purity. the heart of Tibet, in his own way, a 20th century Marco Polo. We provide an easy way for you to get any video captioned by our highly skilled staff. One does not need to necessarily believe in these special children to take away the empowering point of it all; we are all given the privilege of being a special piece of the Universe and all of us have the ability to transcend our egos and live a life filled with bliss and happiness. (2) Guru Rinpoche A Short Introduction to His Life & Activities; It was just like a bird flying from a rockpeople nearby have no idea where it might have gone. listeners: [], Eventually, David Steindl-Rast contacted Father Francis Tiso who was known for frequently traveling to Tibet, and asked him to look into this incredible phenomenon. In most cases, when people face death, their bodies begin to slowly die and disappear; But that is not the case here, as the bodies of some Tibetan monks remain fresh after what appears to be their actual death. Every video is captioned individually and then reviewed for quality assurance. s.src="//"; Further, there was no odor or decay, as usually is the case after death. The body was then transferred to Ivolginsky Datsan, a residence of todays Hambo Lama. The Tibetan name given to this fluorescence is jalu, literally translated as "rainbow body." Material bodies dissolving into light is the subject of Rainbow Body and Resurrectionby Father Francis V. Tiso, a priest of the Diocese of Isernia-Venafro who holds a PhD in Tibetan Buddhism. Beyond Imagination! All rights reserved. This describes what is believed to be the essence of our souls and what many would call the Divine or God. According to Dzogchen tantra, this kind of miraculous display shows he has attained the Small Rainbow Body, whichis a sign that he has attained the supreme accomplishment of Buddha in this very life. the use of meditative practices to deal with a variety of mental health issues, as opposed to prescription drugs. What is the Rinbow Body? on: function(evt, cb) { if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'in5d_com-banner-1','ezslot_0',129,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-in5d_com-banner-1-0');Also see:EXCITING CONFIRMATION Of Entering The PHOTON BELT! Check it out at, Prana & Sound Healing Retreat : Padmassanbhavas Handprint Outside Asura Cave, Nepal. It is believed that every five years on average, an advanced Buddhist monk enters into this enlightened state. at the same time. As a result of body heat produced by the monks during meditation, the sheets dried in about an hour.. Captions provided by CCTubes Captioning the Internet! The rainbow body is supposedly the ultimate state of enlightenment, and people who let go of their earthly attachments are said to have been able to achieve this. Those who are able to achieve this state do not do so in order to show off and perform magic, but instead, they do so for the good of all human-kind. Were entering a very unique period in time where many esoteric texts believe that we will become light bodies as we complete the cycle of the Precession of the Equinoxes, which is a cycle of 25,772 years. You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments! Yesterday I received extraordinary news from my Dharma friends in the holy Dzogchen area of Tibet that the sacred body of my kind teacher Lama Karma has obviously and dramatically shrunk in size. They tried to convince us it was a sickness we would never survive, that the pain and energy pulses would kill us. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Find your Higher Self ", We hold the key to the universe in ourselves. The default network churns when people reflect on matters that involve themselves and their emotions. The key to turning into a light body is based on one simple, but hard to do premise: love everything, all the time. by Gregg Prescott, M.S. He wasnt sick; there appeared to be nothing wrong with him, and he was reciting the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM over and over. But the networks are rarely fully active at the same time. Jun 28, 2018 - The rainbow body is supposedly the ultimate state of enlightenment, and people who let go of their earthly attachments are said to have been able to achieve . while Max Planck, the physicist, and originator of quantum mechanics, sounded positively Buddhist when, that he regarded consciousness as fundamental and matter as derivative from consciousness.. 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